Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Prayer Updates...

Also... Wanted to update you on two prayer requests that I'd mentioned before: 1. Overton High School- We had our meeting and had 7 students show, which was more than expected! and they are on fall break this week, but on the 27th, we have a meeting to start training the kids in the First Priority material (Pray, Bless, Serve, and Tell) which all comes back to one purpose.  We want every kid at Overton High School to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.(approx. 2000).. Remember, God is at Overton.. The Gov't did not take him out of school.  It's foolish to think someone can take God out of anywhere!!  Some people really belittle God and think the US Gov't has that power. (They don't)... Anyway, It's an awesome club/avenue for students to be able to share Christ and make disciples all while reclaiming God's territory at John Overton High School.  So be praying for this next meeting and that the right students will show...  and 2. I asked you to pray that we would get to start meeting with the Burmese Refugees again, because something was inhibiting us from meeting and we couldn't figure out why. Well... Check out the answered prayer through these pictures...
It's actually a Burmese Bible... I have no clue what's being read.
It's Ephesians though!
I had no clue what song they were singing
They cooked for us. Very interesting. Very Hot.
Mon Phet Thot (Banana, sticky rice, in seaweed roll)
Notice my red lips from the Vermicile soup.

1 comment:

  1. praying for you buddy buddy...glad that technology can connect us but i still missing having you come in to the office to distract me from office duties...haha...what great conversations were had. but i am glad where you are at and that the Lord has brought you on this journey and he has just begun ;)
    love you brother!!
